Ensemble/Dancers & ALL GIRLS
Makeup: Stage makeup should be done AT HOME. You will be coming to the show with your makeup already done, we will not be doing it for you.
1) Foundation
2) Blush
3) A soft /neutral lip color (not bright)
4) Mascara
Hair: Hair should be done AT HOME. We will not be doing your hair for you.
1) Hair needs to be out of your face with hairspray or gel in it.
2) Half up half down, pony tail, or bun. Hair should not be all down.
Ensemble BOYS
You do not need makeup, but if you want to, please do it at home
Hair: Should be out of your face if you. have long hair
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Leads: Please come to school with your base stage makeup DONE (see above) & we will do your eye shadow at school.
Emma: Half up, Half Down (however you would like, we can talk about it)
Pink eye shadow to match your outfit
Harriet: Let's talk about your hair (either all up or half up- but has to be different than Emma)
Neutral eye shadow
Jane- Two braids on top of your head with
Fun eye shadow
Ashley- Let's talk about your hair
Fun eye makeup (bright & loud) & a bright lip
Miss. Bates- Tight Bun
Neutral Makeup
Lead Boys- We will talk about your hair at rehearsal this week